Bifurcation technology is based on TSIs proprietary technique for dividing a round braid into two flat braids.
By manipulating sets of "gates" at the proper time, 8 carriers are separated into two groups of 4 carriers. These
carriers then interlace in a flat braid configuration until such time as the "gates" are deactivated allowing the carriers
to continue in a round braid configuration.
In the animation, the "gates", represented by lines, separate the carriers. When the gates are not active the carriers travel
around the table in 2 separate intersecting paths, 4 in one direction interlacing with the 4 in the opposite direction creating a round braid. When the gates are activated the 2 groups of 4
carriers each travel in a single path creating 2 flat braids. The "gates" then deactivate and the carriers return to the round briad configuration.